Just when I thought everything was finally going smooth, new problem arise. Tomorrow will try to sort it out, so tonight was kinda....thoughtful?
Actually before this I ady tried to update my blogs for many times, but I found that blogspot isn't user friendly enough when it come to picture upload, so it always ended with nothing. Okay no more bullshit, let's enter the topic, who are the women who bring influence to my life.
1) My beloved mother
There are no one else can love me more than her, she is the best thing I ever met. Her unselfishness, her willingness to sacrifice for her family, her everything. I won't be the person I am now if my mother happens to be other people and not her. Mere words won't be able to describe her greatness.
2) A senior of mine
The reason I wanted to write this post is because I happen to read a post posted by my form 6 senior, 男人二十岁后应该学会的13个习惯. She shown me that how charming a career-minded person can be. And I thanks her for listening to me after I was in my saddest moment of my life.
3) My kai mui
To avoid people from misunderstood our relationship, we accidentally become kai kor and kai mui. She is very powerful in weiqi (LOL) and a cheerful girl. She taught me even if two people din contact for a long time, things will still remain unchanged, because of the existing bond.
4) A certain junior of mine
She shown myself what type of person I am, and I learned a lot(?). Practice makes perfect, and we always learn from mistake, and so I am still learning. (I really don't wish to put this up, but I cant deny the fact that it does influenced me)
5).......... shit, my blogging motivation is leaking, so I guess until here only. It's a shame that I din even include my own sister, she might not playing any influence in my life yet, but I do love her :)